Professional Licensure Disclosures

Per U.S. Federal Regulations, §668.43 (2019 Rule), and in compliance with the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) Manual version 19.2, Long Island University provides the following disclosures related to the educational requirements for professional licensure:

Long Island University makes every attempt to exceed New York State requirements for degrees leading to professional licensure. Other states have their own requirements; therefore, the University advises students to determine whether their LIU degrees will meet licensure requirements in the states in which they intend to practice. For current contact information for state licensing boards outside of New York, please consult the NC-SARA provides a Professional Licensure Directory maintained by the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). Students seeking professional licensure in fields not included in the NC-SARA directory, and who intend to practice their professions outside of New York, are advised to meet with their program directors to determine whether they meet licensure requirements in other states.

Brooklyn Campus
1 University Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Post Campus
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548

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