Deborah Mutnick, English,
LIU Brooklyn Learning Communities Co-Director
(718) 488-1110
Jose R. Sanchez, Political Science,
LIU Brooklyn Learning Communities Co-Director
(718) 488-3436
Katie Harman,
LIU Brooklyn Learning Communities Promise Coach
(718) 488-1327
Now that you’re in college, you need to make the most of your time and experience. Learning communities will open doors as you cross the threshold into the next phase of your life. Think about it. College is a time for learning, forming friendships, and personal growth. You get all three with learning communities, along with great benefits like these:
You will find different kinds of LIU Brooklyn learning communities. Each will enhance your sense of the college community as well as enrich your academic experience. While actual activities will vary from community to community, the following is a representative sample of LC experiences.
LIU Brooklyn’s Learning Communities Program will help you learn more, get the most out of life, and better prepare you for life after college. In fact, according to Forbes, in order of importance, these are the 10 skills employers say they seek in new employees ("The 10 Skills Employers Most Want"):
Even before you enter your major, learning communities will introduce you to a majority of these areas. So, what are you waiting for?