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Sarah Cheeky Arciaga, PhD, MSN, RN

Assistant Professor of Nursing

Doctor of Philosophy in Development Administration, Philippine Christian University-Manila, Philippines (2013)Master of Science (Nurse Executive Program), Long Island University-Brooklyn (2008)Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Philippine Christina University-Manila, Philippines (1996)


Dr. Sarah Cheeky Arciaga has been a registered nurse for 23 years focusing on Fundamentals and Neonatal Nursing. She worked for almost five years as a staff nurse in Wyckoff Heights Medical Center in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Regular nursery. As a nurse educator, she has taught Fundamentals of Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Foundation of Nursing Concept and Contemporary Topics. Aside from the subjects that she has taught, her expertise is also teaching the different laboratory classes such as the Health Assessment laboratory, Fundamentals laboratory and Medical-Surgical 1 laboratory. She has served LIU School of Nursing in different committees such as DPC, Test Review, Curriculum and Pinning Committee. 


Neonatal Nurse

Lectures and Presentations