Maura A. Belliveau
Associate Professor of Management
A.B., Mount Holyoke CollegeM.S., University of California, BerkeleyPh.D., University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Belliveau joined LIU in September 2011. Prior to her arrival, Dr. Belliveau was a faculty member at several leading business schools including Emory University and the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, where she was named one of the outstanding business school faculty members in the U.S. by Business Week.
Dr. Belliveau's most recent research and teaching focuses on the processes that define the success of professional, technical and managerial employees, particularly those factors that differentially affect men's and women's job search and salary attainment. In addition to her undergraduate and graduate teaching in on these topics, Dr. Belliveau regularly offers a professional development workshop, “Negotiating Success for Women,” offered through LIU’s Hutton House Lecture Series. Her research has been published in leading journals in management including Organization Science, the Academy of Management Journal, Personnel Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and been featured in The New York Times, Business Week, Fortune, The Economist, Fast Company, The Boston Globe, Washington Post, and on NPR, as well as in Congressional briefings on the glass ceiling and affirmative action. Dr. Belliveau currently serves on the editorial board of Organization Science and previously served on the board of Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Her teaching material has been used in graduate and executive education at the Harvard Business School, the University of Michigan, and the Thunderbird School of Global Management. She regularly speaks about women's careers at major business schools, industry forums, and in private workshops, and provides individual consulting to managers and executives leading their organization’s initiatives in the areas of strategic planning, large-scale change, HR, and diversity, as well as those seeking to optimize their own career transitions.
Prior to earning her doctorate, Dr. Belliveau was a strategy consultant and senior manager for Cambridge Technology Group, a successful start-up that went public in 1993 (as Cambridge Technology Partners), and which continues to spawn many other entrepreneurial ventures in technology and consulting.
Social networks; job search; negotiation; gender and diversity in the workplace; managerial ethics/fairness; pay; employment discrimination; women’s careers; equal opportunity/affirmative action; top executives; cognitive processes in groups
Author, "Engendering Inequity?: How Social Accounts Create Versus Merely Explain Unfavorable Pay Outcomes for Women," published in Organization Science(2012).
Co-author, "Group Cognition, Membership Change and Performance: Investigating the Benefits and Detriments of Collective Knowledge," published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2007).
Author, "Blind Ambition?: The Effects of Social Networks and Institutional Sex Composition on the Job Search Outcomes of Elite Coeducational and Women's College Graduates," published in Organization Science (2005).
Co-author, "Factors Affecting Coworkers’ Procedural Justice Inferences of the Workplace Accommodation of Employees with Disabilities," published in Personnel Psychology (2004).
Author, "The Institutional Context of Social Capital: The Influence of Assumed Social Resources on Women’s Employment Outcomes," published in Relational Wealth: The Advantages of Stability in a Changing Economy, Oxford Press (2000).
Co-author (first), "Feeling Foreign: Managing the Global Assignment," published in Developing Competency to Manage Diversity, Berrett-Koehler (1997).
Co-author, "Managing Workforce Diversity: Ethical Concerns and Intergroup Relations," published in Codes of Conduct: Behavioral Research into Business Ethics, Russell Sage (1996).
Co-author (first), "Social Capital at the Top: The Effects of Social Similarity and Status on CEO Compensation," published in Academy of Management Journal (1996).
Author, "The Paradoxical Influence of Policy Exposure on Affirmative Action Attitudes," published in Journal of Social Issues (1996).
Co-author, "Trade-offs in Justice Principles: Definitions of Fairness," published in Conflict, Cooperation and Justice: Essays in Honor of Morton Deutsch, Jossey-Bass (1995).
Lectures and Presentations
Author/Co-Presenter, “Symbol or Substance?: HR executives, EEO-1 certifiers, and women in management.” Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management (2014)
Author/Presenter, "Fairness Concerns in Groups,"INGRoup Conference (2011)
Author/Presenter, "An Alternative Explanation for the Gender Wage Gap,"TEDx Emory (2011)
Author/Keynote Speaker, "Gender and Justice,"Schulich Symposium on Gender and Justice in the Workplace, York University (2011)
Author/Lecturer, "Sources of Gender Differences in Pay,"Emory University Medical School/Medical Center, Grand Rounds (2010)
Author/Presenter, "Gender and Negotiations,"Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) Conference (2010)
Author/Presenter, "Cross-gender Information Flow in Women's Job Search Networks: Size, Strength and Institutional Embeddedness,"Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management
Author/Presenter, "The Received View of Women's Networks and Career Outcomes,"Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management
Author/Presenter, Chair, "Discretionary Income and Arbitrary Advancement?: New Challenges to Gender Equity in Pay and Promotions,"symposium sponsored by the Organizational Behavior, Careers, and Gender and Diversity Divisions at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management
Organization Science, Outstanding Reviewer Award
Business Week, Outstanding Business School Faculty Member in U.S
Innovation in Teaching Award
Citigroup Executive Discretionary Grants for Teaching and Research (2)
University of California Dissertation Award
Hayase Award
Crawford Fellowship
Drown Foundation Fellowship
Professional Affiliations
Member, Academy of Management
Member, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
Member, Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup)
Member, International Society for Justice Research (ISJR)
Member, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)