Caroline S. Clauss-Ehlers
Professor of Psychology
A.B., Oberlin College M.A., Ed.M., M. Phil., Teachers College, Columbia UniversityPh.D., Teachers College, Columbia University
Caroline S. Clauss-Ehlers is a Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology and the Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology in the School of Health Professions at Long Island University, Brooklyn. Dr. Clauss-Ehlers is also an affiliate faculty member of Rutgers Global at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Dr. Clauss-Ehlers’ research focuses on resilience and trauma in work with children and families within diverse community contexts. She is an American Psychological Association (APA) Fellow in Division 43, the Society for Couple and Family Psychology and has specialty board certification in couple and family psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychologists. She is a Fellow in APA’s Division 53, the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Dr. Clauss-Ehlers served as Chair of the APA Task Force on Re-envisioning the Multicultural Guidelines for the 21st Century. From 2011 to 2017 she was editor-in-chief of the Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. A bilingual psychologist, Dr. Clauss-Ehlers has presented on contemporary family issues for media outlets such as Telemundo and Univision. She was a 2004-2005 Rosalynn Carter Fellow for Mental Health Journalism and currently serves as an advisory board member for this program. Dr. Clauss-Ehlers has been the recipient of various awards including the 2014 American Counseling Association, Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development, Exemplary Diversity Leadership Award, the 2018 Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development Distinguished Service Award, and the 2018 APA Division 43 Carolyn Attneave Diversity Award. She maintains a part-time private practice in Manhattan.
Cultural Resilience, Cultural Competence and Humility, Trauma, Family Systems, Parenting, Social Justice, Bilingualism, Child and Adolescent Development, Ecological and Systemic Perspectives, Community-Based Participatory Research, Global Mental Health.
Books and Edited Books
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Hunter, S.J., Morse, G.S., & Tummala-Narra, P. (in progress). Applying multiculturalism: An ecological approach to the APA Guidelines. American Psychological Association Books.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (Ed.). (2022). The Cambridge handbook of community psychology: Interdisciplinary and contextual perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Sood, A.B., & Weist, M.D. (Eds.). (2020). Social justice for children and young people: International perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Serpell, Z., & Weist, M.D. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of culturally responsive school mental health: Advancing research, training, practice, and policy. Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-1-4614-4948-5
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (Ed.) (2010). Encyclopedia of cross-cultural school psychology. Springer.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2006). Diversity training for classroom teaching: A manual for students and educators. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/0-387-27771-4
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Weist, M.D. (Eds., 2004). Community planning to foster resilience in children. Kluwer Academic Publishers. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-306-48544-2
Select Journal Articles
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2020). Exploration of psychological well-being, resilience, ethnic identity, and meaningful events among a group of youth in Northern England: An autobiographical narrative intervention pilot study. Adolescent Psychiatry, 10(2), 92- 109.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Weist, M.D. (2020). Adolescent mental health promotion through a global framework. Adolescent Psychiatry,10(2), 71-72. 10.2174/2210676610666200324112200
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Guevara Carpio, M., & Weist, M.D. (2020). Mental health literacy: A strategy for global adolescent mental health promotion. Adolescent Psychiatry, 10(2), 73- 83.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2019). Forced migration among Latinx children and their families: Introducing trilateral migration trauma as a concept to reflect a forced migratory experience. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 18(4), 330- 342.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Chiriboga, D., Hunter, S.J., Roysircar, G., & Tummala-Narra, P. (2019). APA Multicultural Guidelines executive summary: Ecological approach to context, identity, and intersectionality. American Psychologist, 74(2), 232-244.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2017). Special section on evidence-based parenting published. See relevant articles in Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 6(3), 133-188.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2017). In search of an evidence-based approach to understand and promote effective parenting practices. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 6(3), 135-153.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Austin, M., Ahto, L., Samperi, F, Zhao, J., & Su, N. (2017). Application of the Parenting Research Partnership Model to an evidence-based case study approach. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 6(3), 171-184.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Pasquerella, L. (2017). Application of campus instructional support: Two case studies. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 34, 4, 338- 350.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Parham, W.D. (2017). On my terms: Sharing a story of hypocrisy and transformation. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 45, 2-19.
Pasquerella, L., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2017). Glass cliffs, queen bees, and the snow- woman effect: Persistent barriers to women’s leadership in the academy. Liberal Education, Spring, 6-13.
Parham, W.D., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2017). Stepping out, stepping up, and staying strong: Using vigilance as a tool for preserving rights and promoting social justice. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 45, 214-229 (Archived at the Drs. Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Center for the History of Psychology, The University of Akron).
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Parham, W.D. (2016). Given what I know: Seeing the past as a portal to an intentional future. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 44, 80-100 (Archived at the Drs. Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Center for the History of Psychology, The University of Akron).
Parham, W.D., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2016). Following inspiration: A conversation with Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 44, 156-175 (Archived at the Drs. Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Center for the History of Psychology, The University of Akron).
Parham, W.D., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2016). Celebrating our elders who led us across the bridge: A call to action for the academy. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 44, 4-27.
Parham, W.D., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2016). Hearing our elders: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 44, 2-3 (Archived at the Drs. Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Center for the History of Psychology, The University of Akron).
Larsen, J., Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Cosden, M.A. (2015). An exploration of army wives’ responses to spousal deployment: Stressors and protective factors. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 4(4), 212-228.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Parham, W.D. (2014). Landscape of diversity in higher education: Linking demographic shifts to contemporary university and college counseling center practices. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, Special Issue on Diversity in Higher Education, 42(2), 69-76.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2008). Sociocultural factors, resilience, and coping: Support for a culturally sensitive measure of resilience. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 29(3), 197-212.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Wibrowski, C. (2007). Building resilience and social support: The effects of an educational opportunity fund academic program among first- and second- generation college students. Journal of College Student Development, 24(5), 574-584. 10.1353/csd.2007.0051
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Carter, R.T. (2006). White American attitudes in interracial situations: An empirical examination of perceived behavioral options and White racial identity. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, 15, 117-139. 10.1179/sdh.2006.15.2.117
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Yang, Y.T., & Chen, W.J. (2006). Resilience from childhood stressors: The role of cultural resilience, ethnic identity, and gender identity. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 5, 124-138. 10.2513/s15289168jicap0501_7
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Carter, R.T. (2005). Current manifestations of racism: An exploratory study of social distance and White racial identity. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, XIV(3 & 4), 261-285.
Select Book Chapters
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Garagiola, E. (in press). Cultural competence and cultural humility as foundations for meaningful engagement among a system of care for school stakeholders. In S.W. Evans, J.S. Owens, C.P. Bradshaw, & M.D.Weist (Eds.), Handbook of school mental health: Innovations in science and practice, Third Edition. Springer Nature.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Tummala-Narra, P. (in press). Multicultural considerations for health service psychologists and applied psychologist in healthcare settings. In N. Kaslow & A. Ponce (Eds)., Comprehensive clinical psychology, 2nd Edition, Volume 2: Professional Issues. Elsevier.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2022). Promoting change amidst systemic oppression: A 21st century call to action for communities and community psychologists. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of community psychology: Interdisciplinary and contextual perspectives (pp. 3-15). Cambridge University Press.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2022). Re-writing the community psychology narrative: A contextual, interdisciplinary, inclusive, empowerment approach. In C.S. Clauss- Ehlers (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of community psychology: Interdisciplinary and contextual perspectives (pp. 653-664). Cambridge University Press.
Foley Z., Storck-Martinez, C., Koguc, G., Guevara Carpio, M., Lomaro, C., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2022). Psychological impact of climate change on communities. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of community psychology: Interdisciplinary and contextual perspectives (pp. 425-450). Cambridge University Press.
Guevara Carpio, M., Chee, N., Swarna, M., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2022). The consumer recovery movement in the United States: Historical considerations, key concepts, and next steps for action. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of community psychology: Interdisciplinary and contextual perspectives (pp. 266-288). Cambridge University Press.
Storck-Martinez, C., Lomaro, C., Koguc, G., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2022). Community impact of social media. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of community psychology: Interdisciplinary and contextual perspectives (pp. 390-412). Cambridge University Press.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Sood, A.B., Lomaro, C., & Weist, M.D. (2020). Introduction: An urgent call to understand the status of children and young people within a social justice paradigm. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers, A.B. Sood, & M.D. Weist (Eds.), Social justice for children and young people: International perspectives (pp. 3-19). Cambridge University Press.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Weist, M.D., Sood, A.B., & Lomaro, C. (2020). Conclusion: Being a change agent for social justice for children and youth. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers, A.B. Sood, & M.D. Weist (Eds.), Social justice for children and young people: International perspectives (pp. 479-489). Cambridge University Press.
Jones, S., Sood, A.B., Bearss, N., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2020). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth and social justice. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers, A.B. Sood, & M.D. Weist (Eds.), Social justice for children and young people: International perspectives (pp. 123-137). Cambridge University Press.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Millán, F., & Zhao, C.J. (2018). Understanding domestic violence in Latino communities: A call to the profession. In R. Javier & W. Herron (Eds.), Treating victims of domestic violence: Perspectives on assessing trauma (pp. 237- 262). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Pasquerella, L. (2018). Re-invigorating conversations about leadership: Application of strategic choice theory to the social justice organizational leader. In J. Lau Chin, J. E. Trimble, & J.E. Garcia (Eds.), Global and culturally diverse leaders and leadership: New dimensions, opportunities, and challenges for business, industry, education and society (pp. 163-182). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Pasquerella, L., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2014). Giving voice to intuition in overcoming moral distress. In J. Liebowitz (Ed.), Bursting the big data bubble: The case for intuition- based decision making (pp. 135-146). Taylor & Francis Group.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Pasquerella, L. (2014). Understanding retirement from a developmental perspective: The case of Mount Holyoke College. In C. Van Ummersen, J.M., McLaughlin, & L.J. Duranleau (Eds.), Faculty retirement: Best practices for navigating the transition (pp. 42-51). Stylus Publications.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Akinsulure-Smith, A.M. (2013). Working with forced migrant children and their families: Mental health, developmental, legal, and linguistic considerations in the context of school-based mental health services. In C.S. Clauss- Ehlers, Z. Serpell, and M.D. Weist (Eds.), Handbook of culturally responsive school mental health: Advancing research, training, practice, and policy (pp. 135-146). Springer.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Serpell, Z., & Weist, M.D. (2013). Introduction: Making the case for culturally responsive school mental health. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers, Z. Serpell, and M.D. Weist (Eds.), Handbook of culturally responsive school mental health: Advancing research, training, practice, and policy (pp. 3-16). Springer.
Serpell, Z., Weist, M.D., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2013). Next steps: Advancing culturally competent school-based mental health. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers, Z. Serpell, and M.D. Weist (Eds.), Handbook of culturally responsive school mental health: Advancing research, training, practice, and policy (pp. 251-260). Springer.
Thompson, K., Harris, K., & Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2013). The racial/ethnic identity development of tomorrow’s adolescent. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers, Z. Serpell, and M.D. Weist (Eds.), Handbook of culturally responsive school mental health: Advancing research, training, practice, and policy (pp. 157-176). Springer.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2010). Cultural resilience. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.), Encyclopedia of cross-cultural school psychology (pp. 324-326). Springer.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Weist, M.D., Stratford, B., Gregory, W. H., & Hull, R. (2010). Enhancing cultural competence in schools and school mental health programs. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.), Encyclopedia of cross-cultural school psychology (pp. 39-44). Springer.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2008). Creative arts counseling in schools: Toward a more comprehensive approach. In H.L.K. Coleman & C. Yeh (Eds.), Handbook of school counseling (pp. 517- 530). Sage Publications.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2007). Extending work-family concepts to the lives of Latinas. In M. Pitt- Catsouphes, E.E. Kossek, & P.M. Raskin (Eds.), Work-Family Encyclopedia, Permanently archived.
Serpell, Z.N., Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Lindsey, M.A. (2007). Schools’ provision of information regarding mental health and associated services to culturally diverse families. In S.W. Evans, M. Weist, & Z. Serpell (Eds.), Advances in school-based mental health interventions: Best practices and program models, Volume II (pp. 18- 1- 18-17). Civic Research Institute.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2006). Bilingualism. Entry in Y. Jackson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of multicultural psychology (pp. 70-71). Sage Publications.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2006). Child abuse: Overview. Entry in Y. Jackson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of multicultural psychology (pp. 87-92). Sage Publications.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S. (2006). Religious/spiritual beliefs: Personalismo. Entry in Y. Jackson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of multicultural psychology (pp. 411-412). Sage Publications.
Clauss-Ehlers, C. S. (2004). Re-inventing resilience: A model of “culturally-focused resilient adaptation.” In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers & M. D. Weist (Eds.), Community planning to foster resilience in children (pp. 27-41). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Acosta, O., & Weist, M.D. (2004). Responses to terrorism: The voices of two communities speak out. In C.S. Clauss-Ehlers & M.D. Weist (Eds.), Community planning to foster resilience in children (pp. 143-159). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Weist, M.D. (2004). Introduction: Advancing community involvement and planning to promote resilience in youth from diverse communities. In C.S. Clauss- Ehlers & M.D. Weist (Eds.), Community planning to foster resilience in children (pp. 3- 11). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., & Weist, M.D. (2002). Children are newsworthy: Working effectively with the media to improve systems of child and adolescent mental health. In H. Ghuman, M.D. Weist, & R. Sarles (Eds.), Providing mental health services to youth where they are: School and community-based approaches (pp. 225-239). Brunner- Routledge.
HoganBruen, K., Clauss-Ehlers, C., S., Nelson, D., & Faenza, M.M. (2002). Effective advocacy for school-based mental health services. In M. Weist, S. Evans, & N. Lever (Eds.), Handbook of school mental health: Advancing practice and research (pp. 45- 59). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Professional Affiliations
Predoctoral Internship, Bilingual Treatment Program at NYU/Bellevue Hospital Center
ABPP, Specialty Board Certification in Couple and Family Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychologists