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Maxine Morgan-Thomas

Maxine Morgan-Thomas

Assistant Professor of Business Law

B.S., Queens College, CUNYJ.D., Columbia University


Maxine Morgan-Thomas, an assistant professor of business law, has been affiliated with the School of Business, Public Administration and Information Sciences at Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus since 1998. She began as an adjunct assistant professor, teaching various courses across the business and public administration curricula. During the 2007-2008 academic year she served as visiting assistant professor of business law and was appointed to her current position in 2008.

Before joining the Brooklyn Campus faculty full time, she enjoyed a long career as an attorney and a certified public accountant. After earning a law degree in 1991, she joined the international tax consultancy practice of Coopers & Lybrand (now PriceWaterhouseCoopers) where, for several years, she counseled multinational corporations on legal entity structuring alternatives and tax efficiency strategies, including conducting transfer pricing studies. Subsequently, she worked in her own private law and accounting practice, focusing primarily in the areas of real estate, bankruptcy, estates and trusts, and taxation.

She is a recent co-recipient of a Brooklyn Campus Intramural Grant, which supports her current research on the complexity of the U.S. tax system and its impact compliance.


Tax Law and Tax Policy


Author, “Determining the Tax Treatment of Profits from Domain Name Sales,” published in The CPA Journal (2008)

Professional Affiliations

  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
  • Active Member, New York State Bar Association
  • Active Member, New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants