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Marietta A. Barretti

Associate Professor

DSW Hunter College School of Social Work @ C.U.N.Y MSWMSW Adelphi University, School of Social WorkBSSW Adelphi University, School of Social Work


Marietta Barretti, DSW is a full time faculty member at Long Island University, and has been serving in the undergraduate Social Work program since its’ inception in 1996. She was the originator of the Field Experience program and served as its director for nine years. Presently, she teaches courses in Research Methods, Social Welfare Policies and Programs [which includes policy analysis and policy practice], and the senior Field Seminar [the courses that accompany the practicum]. Additionally, she mentors students through their agency-based research projects from research question to data collection and analysis.  

Her scholarly work has focused predominantly on two major areas: the professional socialization of social work students and the role of teachers and field instructors in that process, and the representation of women and women of color in the social work journal literature. Most recently, she has started to present and publish in the area of policy analysis, arguing for a social constructionist framework for analyzing problems in social policy frameworks.

Before coming to academe, Dr. Barretti was a community organizer and human rights specialist with the NYC Commission on Human Rights. 


Community Organization

Professional socialization

Women’s issues

Qualitative research methods

Policy Analysis


Barretti, M. (2016). How are social problems viewed and analyzed in social work policy texts? Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 43(4), 135-160.

Barretti, M. A. (2015). In search of women of color in the social work journal literature (1998-2007). Affilia,30(4), 427-446.  doi:10.1177/0886109915570926

[This article won the 2015 Affilia Award for Distinguished Feminist Scholarship and Praxis in Social Work]

Barretti, M. (2011). Women, feminism and social work journals ten years later: 1998-2007. Affilia,26(3), 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/0886109911417688.

Barretti, M. (2009). Organizing for tenant rights: Insights and approaches from both sides of the fence. The Journal of Progressive Human Services, 20(1), 8-25.

Barretti, M. (2009).Ranking desirable field instructor characteristics: Viewing student preferences in context with field and class experience. The Clinical Supervisor, 28(1), 47-71.

Barretti, M. (2007). Teachers and field instructors as student role models: A neglected dimension in social work education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 27(3/4), 215-239.

Barretti, M. (Spring/Summer, 2004). What do we know about the professional socialization of our students? Journal of Social Work Education, 40(2), 255-283.

Barretti, M. (Spring, 2004). The professional socialization of undergraduate social work students. The Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 9(2), 9-30.

Barretti, M. (Fall, 2001). Social work, women and feminism: A review of social work journals, 1988-1997. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 16(3), 266-294.

Non-Peer Reviewed:

Bartle, E., Barretti, M., & Chang, Y.L. (September, 2015). Policy practice. In Macro practice in social work: From learning to action for social justice, frameworks for practice. Special Commission to Advance Macro Practice in Social Work, 23-27.

Barretti, M. (2013).  [Book review.] Casino women: Courage in unexpected places. Affilia,28(1), 102-103.  DOI:10.1177/0886109912475052.

Lectures and Presentations

Invited presentation: Teaching social policy analysis. Presented at the Influencing State Policy Conference, Race & Inequality: Policy and Advocacy for Structural Change in St. Louis, MO, 6/2/16.

Keynote Speaker/ empirical paper presentation: Social work, women and feminism: A review of social work journals 1988-1997. Presented at the Social Work and Feminism Conference, Hunter College School of Social Work at City University of New York, 4/14/00.

Shared keynote address: Feminism and social work: Problems and possibilities, Hunter College School of Social Work at City University of New York, 10/30/98.

Peer reviewed conference presentations [all are solo presented]
Paper presentation: Marginalized and provincialized, women of color in social work journal literature: What does this mean for social work? Presented at the Influencing State Policy Conference, Race & Inequality: Policy and Advocacy for Structural Change in St. Louis, MO, 6/4/16.
Paper presentation: Have policy textbooks overlooked the problem construction in policy analysis? A social constructionist framework for analysis to action. Presented at the Influencing State Policy Conference in Austin, TX, 5/30/15.
Paper/ Workshop presentation: A social constructionist framework for problem to policy analysis. Presented at the Influencing State Policy Conference in Austin, TX, 5/30/14.
Empirical paper presentation: Women, feminism and social work journals, 1998-2007: Where are we ten years later? Presented at the 55th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, San Antonio, TX, 11/8/09.

Panel presentation: Feminist scholarship: From the margins to the center of social work knowledge. Presented at the 55th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, San Antonio, TX, 11/7/09.

Empirical paper presentation: Do students expect their field instructors to be role models? Presented at the 53rd Annual Program Meeting/ Field Symposium of the Council on Social Work Education, San Francisco, CA, 10/28/07.

Empirical paper presentation: The professional socialization of undergraduate social work students: An exploratory case study. Presented at the 50th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Anaheim, CA, 3/1/04.

Empirical paper presentation: The professional socialization of undergraduate social work students. Presented at the 19th Annual BPD Conference, Denver, CO, 11/01/01.

Paper/ workshop presentation: Organize! Conference, Columbia University, NYC, 4/9/00. 


2015 Affilia Award for Distinguished Feminist Scholarship and Praxis in Social Work
Barretti, M. A. (2015). In search of women of color in the social work journal literature (1998-2007). Affilia, 427-446.  doi:10.1177/0886109915570926

Council on Social Work Education

Influencing State Policy: Social Work Program Policy Liaison

Social Welfare Action Alliance