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Steven Chang

Tung-Lung Chang

Chair, Marketing and International Business Professor of Marketing & International Business

B.S., M.B.A., National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)Ph.D., National Chengchi University (Taiwan)Ph.D., George Washington University


Dr. Chang teaches classes in the area of International Business and Marketing. He brings to the classroom a rich mix of teaching and research experience. In addition to regular programs at LIU-Post campus, he has taught IMBA in Switzerland and MBA programs at the headquarters of Northrop Grumman, Olympus, Motorola, Symbol Technologies and Verizon. He has conducted seminars at various locations, including Beijing, Chengdu, Nanjing, Shanghai, Taipei, London, Miami, New York and the Headquarters of WTO in Geneva. He worked previously at the Chung-hua Institution for Economic Research (Taipei), National Chung Hsing University (Taipei) and the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dr. Chang has centered his research on marketing issues and the development of global expansion strategy with managerial implications for multinational corporations. He also published papers in the areas of FDI and international technology diffusion at the country level. His research has appeared in Journal of World Business (SSCI), International Marketing Review (SSCI), Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI), Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI), Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Global Marketing, and Competitiveness Review

Dr. Chang has had the opportunity to provide professional services to the state and international communities in a variety of projects. He was a member of the New Jersey State Export Finance Company Advisory Council and former president of the Chinese American Academic and Professional Society. He previously served as a management advisor to the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan, ROC, and completed several research projects for the Taiwan government, including the performance evaluation and privatization of state-owned enterprises such as the Taiwan Sugar Company and the Chinese Petroleum Corporation. He received his Ph.D. in International Business/Marketing from the George Washington University, and another in Management from National Chengchi University. He is the recipient of the Taiwan Fellowship Grant, the Elite Grant, the United Nations Development Program Grant, the CIBEAR Faculty Scholarship Awards and the Keller Grants, etc.


Global Market Expansion, Strategic Marketing, Competitive Strategy, Experience Curve Advantage, International Joint Venture, International Technology Diffusion.


Co-author, “Enhancing Corporate Reputation for Market Expansion in China: Customer Orientation and the Mediating Effect of Product and Service Quality,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 19(2), 2011, 153-170.  (ABI)
Co-author, “International Diffusion of Embodied and Disembodied Technology: A Network Analysis,” in Technological forecasting and Social Change, 76(6), 2009, 821-34. (SSCI, 5-YR impact factor: 2.214)
Author, “Entry and marketing strategies of FDI firms in China,” in Handbook of Research on Asian Business, Henry W. Yeung (ed.), Edward Elgar, 2006.
Co-author, “An Integrated Model of E-Business Strategy: The Case of Haier from China,” in Advanced Topics in Global Information Management, Vol.4, 2005, 271-89.
Co-author, “A Holistic Framework of E-business Strategy” in Journal of Global Information Management, 12(2), 2004, 44-62. (SSCI, 5-YR impact factor: 1.265)
Co-author, “How to Succeed in e-Business by Taking the Haier Road” Competitiveness Review, 13(2), 2003, 34-45. (ABI)
Co-author, “The Effect of Property Right on International Joint Ventures in China,” in Chinese Culture, Organizational Behavior, and International Business Management, Ilan Alon (ed.), 2003, 207-22.
Co-author, “Chinese e-Business Strategy: The Case Study of Haier,” in Chinese Economic Transition and International Marketing Strategy, Ilan Alon (ed.), Westport, CT: 2003, 52-69.
Co-author, “Formulating A Network Paradigm for e-Business,” in Global Competitiveness, 9(1), 2001, 508-17.
Co-author, “The Asian Paradox of Miracle and Debacle: An Exploratory Study,” International Finance Review, Vol.1, Asian Financial Crisis, 2000, 411-35.
Author, “Euro Disneyland --Transfer of The American Fit,” in Carl Rodrigues, International Management: A Cross-Cultural Approach, 2nd ed., Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2000, 577-88.
Co-author, "Strategic Financing for Global Business Expansion," Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance, JAI Press, Vol.4, 2000, 173-91.
Co-author, “Competitive Strategies of Taiwanese PC Firms in Their Internationalization Process,” in The Globalization of Business Firms from Emerging Economies, Henry Yeung (ed.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1999, 456-78.
Co-author, "Internationalization and Capital Structure of Taiwanese Multinationals," American Asian Review, 17(4), 1999, 51-75.
Co-author, "International Collaboration of Law Firms--Modes, Motives and Advantages," (Columbia) Journal of World Business, 33(3), 1998, 241-62. (SSCI, 5-YR impact factor: 3.073)
Author, "Cultivating Global Experience-Curve Advantage on Technology and Marketing Capabilities," Journal of Marketing Practice, 3(4), 1997, 230-250. (ABI)
Co-author, "Marketing and Technology Adaptations for International Success," International Journal of Business, 2(1), 1997, 25-44.
Author, "Cultivating Global Experience-Curve Advantage on Technology and Marketing Capabilities," International Marketing Review, 13(6), 1996, 22-42. (SSCI, 5-YR impact factor: 2.212)
Author, "Euro Disneyland," in Carl Rodrigues, International Management: A Cross-Cultural Approach, NY: West Publishing, 1996, IC3-IC14.
Author, "Formulating Adaptive Marketing Strategies in A Global Industry," International Marketing Review, 12(6), 1995, 5-17. (SSCI, 5-YR impact factor: 2.212)
Author, "The Role of Marketing in The Development of A High-Technology Industry in Taiwan: Strategic Marketing Efforts of The Government and The Firm," Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance, JAI Press, Vol.1, 1995, 267-78. 
Author, "Niche Marketing for Small Business Exporters," in Global Business Management in The 1990s, 2nd ed., by Robert T. Moran, et al. (eds), Washington, D.C.: Beacham Publishing, 1995, 44-58.
Co-author, "Factors Influencing Technology Acquisition Decisions of Recipient Pharmaceutical Firms in Taiwan," American Asian Review, 11(1), 1993, 88-111.
Co-author, "What Small and Medium Sized Firms can Learn from Foreign Niche-Seekers' Export strategies," in The Multinational Enterprise in Transition: Strategies for Global Competitiveness, 4th ed., by Phillip D. Grub and Dara Khambata (eds), Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press, 1993, 641-52.
Co-author, "Competitive Strategies of Taiwanese PC Firms in Their Internationalization Process," Journal of Global Marketing, 6(3), 1992, 5-27. (ABI)

Dr. Chang also published over 40 papers and abstracts in the conference proceedings of academic societies, including American Marketing Association (AMA), Academy of International Business (AIB), AIB/Northeast, Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) and International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR).

Lectures and Presentations

Guest Speaker, "Technological Capability, FDI and Economic Progress -- The Case of Taiwan," National Central Library, Taipei, Taiwan, August 9, 2011.
Seminar Panelist, "MNCs’ Offshore R&D Networks in a Host Country’s Regional Innovation System: The Case of Taiwan-based Firms in China," Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, June 7, 2011.
Guest Speaker, "Implications of Corporate Reputation for Financial Services Market Expansion in China," KGI Securities, Taipei, April 21, 2011.
Guest Speaker, "Corporate Reputation and Market Expansion in China," Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, April 21, 2011.
Guest Speaker, "Technology Capability and FDI-supported Economic Development," at Jinan University, Guangzhou, July 21, 2010.
Guest Speaker, "Customer Orientation, Corporate Reputation and Competitiveness for Market Entry in China," at Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing, June 23, 2010.Guest Speaker, "International Technology Diffusion, FDI and Economic Progress," at Henley School of Management, Reading University, UK, May 12, 2010.
Forum Panelist, "Leadership in New Era," at Asia Tomorrow 2010 Conference, Yale College Business Society, Yale University, March 27, 2010.
Guest Speaker, "International Diffusion of Embodied and Disembodied Technology," at National Taiwan University, Taiwan, January 19, 2010.
Guest Speaker, “Strategic Marketing and the Firm’s Growth,” at Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, June9, 2009.
Guest Speaker, "Strategic Partnership for Market Expansion in Emerging Economies,” at Taipei Economic and Culture Office in New York, November 7, 2008.
Guest Speaker, "Strategic Partnership for Sustainable Growth in Greater China," at 2008 USA-Taiwan Financial Services Joint Conference, New York, May 5, 2008.
Guest Speaker, " Retail Bank Marketing and Case Analysis,” at Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable, Taiwan, August 29, 2007.


2012 Best Paper Winner, Academy of Business Research
2011 Associate Editor, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies
2011 Editorial Review Board, Journal of Trust Research
2010 Recipient of MOFA Taiwan Fellowship grant
2009 Recipient of the Elite grant, National Science Council
2006 Recipient of MOE Taiwan Scholar grant
2005 Recipient of the National Science Council grant
1999 Outstanding Scholarship Award, College of Management, LIU, Post
1998 Outstanding Paper Winner, American Society for Competitiveness
1996 One Step Merit Increase for AY94-95, SIM/NJIT
1995 Recipient of the United Nations Development Program grant (China)
1995 CIBEAR Faculty Scholarship Award, University of Southern California
1995 Best Paper Winner, Academy of International Business/Northeast
1994 Best Paper Winner, Academy of International Business/Northeast
1993 International Management Junior Faculty Scholarship, Academy of Management
1993 One Step Merit Increase for AY91-92, SIM/NJIT
1992 CCK Foundation Scholarship Travel Grant, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
1992 CIBEAR Faculty Scholarship Award, University of Southern California
1990 Member of Beta Gamma Sigma, the Honor Society for Collegiate schools of Business
1988 International Leadership, Foreign Student Service Council and the United States Information Agency, Washington, D.C.
1987-90 Keller Scholarship Grants, George Washington University
1986-87 Fulbright Scholarship Grant, George Washington University

Professional Affiliations

Board Member, Chinese American Academic and Professional Society
Former president, Chinese American Academic and Professional Society
Former Member, New Jersey State Export Finance Company Advisory Council