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Albert Devito

Albert De Vivo

Professor of Italian Language and Literature

B.A., Lehman CollegeM.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University


Born in Italy, Dr. De Vivo is professor of Italian Language and Literature at the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University. A specialist on 20th-century Italian literature and literary theory, he has published a book on Italo Calvino as well as many essays on Calvino and other Italian writers including Pirandello. Moreover, Dr. De Vivo also has reviewed many books dealing with Italian fiction and literary criticism. He has traveled extensively in the United States as well as in Canada, Spain and Italy, giving lectures on Calvino and other Italian writers.


Italian Language and Literature, Literary Theory


  • Author, “Il tempo nei ‘Racconti’ di Italo Calvino,” published in Italy.
  • Author, “L’ecocritica: una nuova epistemologia?” published in Italian Quartely
  • Author, “I libri degli altri,” published in Il Veltro
  • Author, “Calvino e il potere,” published in Forum Italicum
  • Author, “Time in Pirandello’s ‘Henry IV,’” published in the Canadian Journal of Italian Studies
  • Author, “Calvino’s ‘Palomar’ and Deconstruction,” published in Italian Quarterly
  • Author, “Is Postmodernism really Undecidable?” published in Differentia
  • Author, “La simultaneita: Teoria e invenzione in Marinetti,” published in NEMLA Italian Studies
  • Author, “Il lettore in ‘Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore, e la teoria del ‘Reader
  • Response,” published in Il Cristallo Author, “La teoria del luogo in Calvino,” published in Il Cristallo


  • Recipient, The Sue Rosenberg Zalk Travel and Research Fund Award, The Graduate Center, City University of New York


  • Member, American Association of Italian Studies
  • Member, American Association of Italian Teachers