Linnea Mavrides
Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A., Amherst CollegeM.S., Psy.D., LIU-Post
Linnea L. Mavrides, Psy.D., is an Associate Professor in the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program at LIU Post. Dr. Mavrides also received her Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from the LIU-Post in 2010. Dr. Mavrides worked as a staff psychologist integrated into two medical teams at the New York Harbor VA before opening a private practice, where she came to specialize in maternal mental health, mood disorders, and trauma. Her research interests focus on the treatment and prevention of postpartum mood disorders; adjustment to parenthood; pregnancy, childbirth, infertility, and loss; as well the qualitative experiences of unique populations, including graduate students. Dr. Mavrides is committed to promoting social justice and equity through her research, teaching, and mentorship, as well as more broadly within the field of clinical psychology and academia.
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy; Postpartum Mood Disorder; Maternal Mental Health; Trauma; Childbirth Trauma; Anxiety Disorders; Depressive Disorders; Health Psychology; Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT)
Lectures and Presentations
Lieberman, R., Vidair, H., Dashow, A., Ashok, S., Mavrides, L., & Feindler, E. (2021, November). Balancing a clinical psychology doctoral program and motherhood: Considerations and recommendations for doctoral programs and clinical training sites. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual convention.
Cohen, E., Vidair, H., Morris, F., Moxey, M., Ortiz, C., & Mavrides, L. (2021, November). Parental Experience Implementing Evidence-Based Encopresis Treatment: Where We Are and Where We Can Go. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual convention.
Mavrides, L.L., Silva, A., Silkowitz, K., & Sanderson, C. (2021). “What We Think: Careers in Clinical Professions.” Panelist in alumni presentation to undergraduate psychology major students at Amherst College.
Mavrides, L.L. (2018). “Angst.” Moderator of discussion with parents and students following screening of movie at the Berkeley Carroll School, Brooklyn, NY.
Feindler, E., Mavrides, L.L., Rumelt, A., Rung, W., Iawniciw, S., Patel, A., Slochowsky, N., & Ullrich, K. (2018). “What Is It Like to ‘Grow Up’ In a Dual/Duel Orientation Program?” Panelist in presentation regarding LIU-Post’s dual orientation clinical psychology doctoral program at Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Annual Conference, New York, NY.
Mavrides, L.L. (2018). “Miss Representation.” Moderator of discussion with parents and students following screening of movie at the Berkeley Carroll School, Brooklyn, NY.
Mavrides, L. & Gluck, D. (2018). “The Mask You Live In.” Moderator of discussion with parents and students following screening of movie at the Berkeley Carroll School, Brooklyn, NY.
Mavrides, L.L. (2017). “Screenagers.” Moderator of discussion with parents following screening of movie at the Berkeley Carroll School, Brooklyn, NY.
Mavrides, L.L. (2016). “On Veterans Day: How Veterans Have Shaped Psychology.” Invited speaker at Veterans Day celebration, Park Slope Center for Successful Aging, Brooklyn, NY.
Mavrides, L.L. (2015). “Maternal Mental Health.” Presented in-service training to students in Psychological Services Center at LIU-Post.
Mavrides, L.L. (2015). “Assessing and Managing Trauma and Its Effects as a Childbirth Doula.” Presented on and provided consultation to childbirth doulas around evaluating and providing in-scope support for childbirth trauma to clients as well as managing own exposure to vicarious trauma, New York, NY.
Lichtenberg, M.F. & Mavrides, L.L. (2014). “Birth and Beyond: Unplugged.” Co-presenter in course for expectant moms at City Births, New York, NY.
Mavrides, L.L. (2013). “Writing in Clinical Psychology.” Gave seminar on writing in clinical psychology to incoming clinical psychology doctoral students at LIU-Post, Brookville, NY.
Saleh, A., Mavrides, L., Mathew, A., & Lagana, R. (2012). “The DIGMA Model of Care.” Co-presenter to ten integrated care teams at the Northport VA Hospital, Northport, New York.
Goodman, G. & Mavrides, L. (2010). “Countertransference and Process in Psychodynamic Child Therapy.” Co-author of paper presented to Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference in Asilomar, California.
Mavrides, L. & Sbaratta, C. (2008). “Clinical Psychology with Greek-American Clients.” Co-presenter to Behavioral Science Multicultural Clinical Program at Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York.
2013 LIU-Post Exceptional Adjunct Teaching Award
2010 C.W. Post Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement
2008 C.W. Post Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Award for Academic and Professional Achievement
American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA)
American Psychological Association (APA); Division 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology); Division 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women)
Association for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPAH)
International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)
New York Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy (NYCEFT)
New York State Psychological (NYSPA)
Postpartum Support International (PSI)
World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)