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Lena Perez

Assistant Professor, Health Care and Public Administration

Baruch College, City University of New York - NYS CertificateSt. John’s University - Doctor of Psychology, School PsychologyLong Island University - Master of Science in Education

Lectures and Presentations

Perez, L. (2016). Cultural Considerations affecting Hispanic Parents Raising Preschoolers with Development Disabilities. Poster presented at ADAPT Conference 2016, London, United Kingdom.

Daniel, T., Perez, L. (2016). Demand for Healthcare in Rural America. Poster presented at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy 50th Annual Convention. New York, New York.

Daniel, T., Perez, L. (2016). Demand for Healthcare in Rural America. Poster presented at the International Health Conference 2016, Kings College London, London, United Kingdom.

Perez, L., Rothman, R. & Santiago, N. (2006).  Cognition’s impact on Problem-Solving Therapy: A Twin Study.  Presented at the American Psychological Association 114th Convention, (APA; Division 17), New Orleans, Louisiana.

Perez, L., Russo, P., Terjesen, M.D., & Kurasaki, R (2006). Integrating Cognitive Interventions in Behavioral Teacher Training. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists 38th Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA.

Deluca, C.M. , Calabro, E., Perez, L., & Terjesen, M.D. (2003).  Development of Special Education Preschoolers' Emotional Understanding.  Presented at the American Psychological Association 111th Convention, (APA; Division 16), Toronto, Canada.

Deluca, C.M. , Perez, L., & Terjesen, M.D. (2003).  Caffeine Consumption Among Children Receiving Special Education Services.  Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 111th Convention, (APA; Division 16), Toronto, Canada.  

Gutierrez, Y., Perez, L., Rivera, K., & Terjesen, M.D. (2003).  Acculturation and Parenting Practices in Hispanic Families.  Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 111th Convention, (APA; Division 16), Toronto, Canada.  

Perez, L., Bonilla, A. , Terjesen, M.D. (2003).  Assessment of Social Skills with Bilingual Exceptional Preschoolers. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 111th Convention, (APA; Division 16), Toronto, Canada.

Ellis, A.E., Terjesen, M.D. Doyle, K., Flanagan, R., Perez, L., (2002). Effective cognitive-behavioral strategies and cultural considerations used in group intervention with Hispanics. Speaker at the Symposium Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to Group Therapy: Treatment and Outcomes, presented at the 36th Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention. Reno, Nevada. Perez, L., Terjesen, M.D., Aguera, F . (2002). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the DAS with Bilingual Exceptional Preschoolers.  Poster presented at the 110th Annual American Psychological Association Conference.  Chicago, IL.

Perez, L., Terjesen, M.D., Gutierrez, Y . (2002). Culture, Parental Anger, and Child Behavior in Hispanic families. Poster presented at the 110th Annual American Psychological Association Conference.  
Chicago, IL.

Perez, L., Terjesen, M.D., Ramos, J . (2002). Culturalism, Parental Anger, and Child Behavior in Hispanic Families. Poster presented at the 110th American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

Doyle, K., Flanagan, R., Perez, L., Terjesen, M.D. (2002) Cognition-Behavioral Strategies for Parent Groups with Parents of Exceptional Preschoolers. Speaker at the Symposium Cognitive-Behavioral Group Interventions with Children and Families, presented at the 110th Annual American Psychological Association Conference.  Chicago, IL.

Forte, J., Terjesen, M.D., DeLuca, C., Perez, L., Calabro, E.  (2002). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the BASC with Special Education Preschoolers.  Poster presented at the 110th Annual American Psychological Association Conference.  Chicago, IL.

Terjesen, M.D., De Luca, C. , Perez, L. (2001). A Comparative Study Measuring the Effectiveness of ACT and Behavioral Parent Training with Parents of Special Education Preschoolers.  Poster presented at the 35th Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Perez, L., Terjesen, M.D., DiGiuseppe, R. (2001). REBT/Parent Training versus Parent Training with Hispanic Parents of Exceptional Preschoolers.  Poster presented at the 109th Annual American Psychological Association Conference.  San Francisco, CA.

Ellis, A., Wolfe, J., Doyle, K., Perez, L., Terjesen, M.D. (2001). The Effectiveness of REBT in Parent Training. Speaker at the Symposium Innovative Group Applications of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Expanding Our Parameters, presented at the 109th Annual American Psychological Association Conference.  San Francisco, CA.

Aguera, F., Perez, L., Terjesen, M.D. (2001). Utility of the Bayley-II with a Bilingual Preschool Special Education.  Poster presented at the 109th Annual American Psychological Association Conference.  San Francisco, CA.

Perez, L. (2000). A Preliminary Study Comparing Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Behavior Management with Hispanic Parents of Bilingual Special Education Preschoolers.  Poster presented at the 34th Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Calabro, E., Terjesen, M.D., De Luca, C., Perez, L. (2000). A Psychometric Review of Measures of Autism in Early Childhood. Poster presented at the 34th Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention.  New Orleans, Louisiana.

DiGiuseppe, R., Perez, L. (2000). The Impact of Special Education on the Levels of Stress with Bilingual Parents.  Poster presented at the 108th Annual American Psychological Association Conference.  Washington DC.

Perez, L., Calabro, E.  (2000). The Influence of Parenting Strategies on Childhood Aggressive Behaviors: A Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective. Presented at the Preventing Violence in the Schools: Developing Emotional Intelligence workshop sponsored by Brooklyn College.  Brooklyn, New York.

Calabro, E., Perez, L.M., Terjesen, M.D. (1999). Assessment of Social Skills with Preschoolers Receiving Special Education Services. Poster presented at the 33rd Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention.  Toronto, Canada.

Perez, L.M., Gibson, D. (1999) Directive, Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy: Strategies, Research and Outcomes.  Presented at the Preventing Violence in the Schools: Developing Emotional Intelligence workshop sponsored by Brooklyn College.  Brooklyn, New York.
Perez, L.M. (1999).  Playing is Learning: Using Play to Facilitate Social and Intellectual Development in Children. A workshop presented at the Family Child Care Association of New York Annual Convention.  Lake George, New York.

Lieberson, L., Terjesen, M.D., Perez, L.M., DiGiuseppe, R. (1999). Development of a Parents’ Irrational Beliefs Scale.  Poster presented at the 107th Annual American Psychological Association Conference. Boston, Massachusetts.

Perez, L.M. (1997).  Areas of Concern in the Assessment and Educational Placement of Bilingual Children.   Presented at a staff development workshop to the employees of the Hanover Child-Care Center. Brooklyn, New York.

Perez, L.M. (1997).  Behavior Management Techniques and Your Child. A workshop presented at the Children’s Early Learning Center.  Brooklyn, New York.


Mary and Abraham D. Beame Scholarship - School of Public Affairs, Baruch College

Student Member of the Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Council at St. John’s University

American Psychological Association Student Travel Award

SUNY Albany Alumnae Scholarship 

Hispanic Association for Professional Advancement Scholarship

Founding Member of the Beta Pi chapter of Theta Phi Alpha National Sorority

Professional Affiliations

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (ABCT)

Association for Continuing Higher Education (ACHE)