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William Roberson

Professor Technical Services

B.A., M.A., Stony Brook UniversityC.A.S., St. John’s University


Author, “Walter M. Miller, Jr.: A Reference Guide to His Fiction and His Life”
Author, “Peter Matthiessen: An Annotated Bibliography”
Author, “James Wright: An Annotated Bibliography”
Co-author, “Walter M. Miller, Jr.: A Bio-Bibliography”
Author, “Robert Bly: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography”
Author, “George Washington Cable: An Annotated Bibliography”
Author, “Louis Simpson: A Reference Guide”
Author, “Macho Mistake: The Misrepresentation of Jim Harrison’s Fiction,” published in Critique
Author, “Robert Bly: A Primary Bibliography,” Parts 1 & 2, published in Bulletin of Bibliography
Author, “A Good Day to Live: The Prose Works of Jim Harrison,” published in Great Lakes Review
Author, various book reviews published in the East Hampton Star