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Sen-i Yu


Professor Sen-i Yu Sen-I is a New York-based filmmaker (writer-director-editor) originally from Taiwan. Currently, she is developing her feature film project, MY BEAUTY QUEEN MOM, which is a winner of 2015 HAF/Fox Chinese Film Development Award and a grantee of the Screenplay Development Fund from the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan.  As a writer-director, Sen-I has made five narrative shorts, a documentary short and penned three feature scripts. Her short film ACUPUNCTURE GIRL was a Student Academy Award Regional Finalist and a Wasserman Award Semi-finalist for Best Direction. Other notable festivals were the Newport International Film Festival, the Asian American International Film Festival, and the Busan Asian Short Film Festival in South Korea. As an editor, Sen-I has edited seven feature documentaries and several narrative features—her most recent project, “LYLE,”is an award-winning independent film, starring Gaby Hoffmann. These feature projects have screened at  film festivals, including the USA Film Festival, Hampton International Film Festival, Palm Beach International Film Festival, among others.For the past 10 years, Sen-I has been working as a producer, editor and director in New York’s film and video industry,  made web videos for cosmetic makers L’O’real and Maybelline, directed various PSAs/commercial spots for Bristol Meyers Squibb. Sen-I has received the Sara Driver post-production Award, Taiwan’s National Cultural Foundation Production Grant and the Warner Bros. Motion Picture Production Fund Award. She is an alumna of NYU Tisch Graduate Film Program with an MFA degree.