The Role of Parents

Long Island University Center for Gifted Youth is aware of the role of parents in ensuring the success of their children. To help parents with this task, a number of services are offered.

Parents may enroll in a variety of workshops, which are scheduled to run concurrently with the regularly held sessions of the youngsters. Long Island University Center for Gifted Youth has two psychologists on staff who lead these workshops, which are designed to allow an exchange of information and perceptions about the responsibilities, challenges, problems and joys of raising gifted children. Past meetings have included such topics as school problems, enrichment alternatives, the social and emotional factors of being gifted and sibling rivalry. Participation in all workshops and meetings is voluntary and provided at no extra fee.

The psychologists are also available to meet with parents on an individual basis to discuss specific concerns. Classroom observations by the psychologists and input from the instructional staff are a useful part of this process.