Dial 2222 from any campus phone or simply push the RED button on any blue light emergency phone to report a crime in progress and/or other emergency.
To report any crime or any emergency, dial 516-299-2222 from outside lines for immediate attention and response.
Respond directly to the Office of the Department of Public Safety located in the Facilities Services building on the northeast side of campus (in the second parking lot on the left off Gold Coast Road, south of the East Gate).
When reporting a crime or incident please provide as much information as possible, to include:
Public Safety patrol vehicles and foot patrols are radio dispatched to handle emergencies, safety, security, and enforcement duties anywhere on campus. In addition, there are numerous well-marked emergency telephones located throughout the campus to facilitate the reporting of crimes, fires and other emergency situations.
Policies Regarding Reporting a Crime ConfidentiallyPersons wanting to report a crime or incident can do so confidentially by contacting the Department of Public Safety at Ext. 2214. The reporting person's name will be kept confidential, but the incident may be included in the annual crime statistic report without divulging the person's name or any other information that would infringe on his/her confidentiality.
LIU Post's Response to Reported IncidentsPublic Safety Officers will complete written reports of any incidents that occur on campus or other mandated areas. Reports are kept on file in the Public Safety Office and copies are distributed to the appropriate Campus departments. Follow-up investigations are conducted, and the local law enforcement agency(s) are notified when appropriate.
Crime LogThe Department of Public Safety maintains a daily campus crime log. The log records incident number, date of crime, time of occurrence, general location, and disposition if known. The Department must make these entries, except where such disclosures are prohibited by law or would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim. Said information may also be withheld if there was clear and convincing evidence that the release of the information would cause the suspect to flee or result in the destruction of evidence. The Department must disclose any information once the adverse affect described above is no longer likely to occur.
The crime log is accessible to public view for the most recent 60-day period during normal business hours. The institution will make available any portion of the log older than 60 days within two business days of a request for inspection.
Advisory Committee on Campus SecurityLIU Post's Advisory Committee on Campus Security is composed of students, faculty and staff. The committee reviews current campus security procedures and makes recommendations for their improvement.
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Brookville, NY 11548
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